Maybe all that pasta isn’t a good thing
All my life I’ve heard, “You are what you eat.” While that is fundamentally true in an organic chemistry sort of way, diet has a limited affect on our personality, the decisions we make, our skills, or the portions of humanity we decide to embrace. A recent body modification convention, which I did not attend, reminded me how much we like wearing things on our skin and got me thinking what might happen if we wore what we ate? I’m not talking about all those times the taco leaks and we are stuck wearing hot sauce the rest of the day. What if the salad we had for lunch, or the peanuts, or the snack cake, whatever we most recently consumed, was reflected onto our skin until we decided to consume something else? As these pictures show, the effects are mixed. I think, of all these, Citrus and Mixed Veggies are the only ones I personally find appealing. Kat likes Tomatoes, though, and you’re welcome to have your own preferences. Click on any thumbnail below to view the collection full screen.
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