Have you ever had a morning where you can’t wait until it’s time to take your medicine? I’m having one of those now. Not that the chemo provides any relief from the pain, it doesn’t. The ability to pass out and not be disturbed by anything is the effect I want. I’m going to try walking it out a little bit later, but that has yet to work in any substantial way. My brain is a little groggy and my temples are hurting so that’s not going to help, either.
There was a humorous moment yesterday afternoon. Kat and G had gone to the gym so that she could teach him how to deadlift (155 lbs on his first try). When they got home, for whatever reason, they were talking about music and instruments, and Kat got out her cornet. She didn’t know I was asleep. She thought I was sitting here in the recovery room on the computer. She starts playing, demonstrating to G how it’s done, and now I’m wide awake. I go out and join them and even though she only has a 7c mouthpiece and it’s been 45+ years since I’ve played on a regular basis, I needed to show G what was possible. From there, the conversation turned to Maynard Ferguson and circular breathing. I had no choice at that point but to pull out my Primal Scream album. By the time G needed to leave for his violin lesson, I think the child might have been just a little overwhelmed.
I am more worried about Kat this morning than I was yesterday. She’s having some tachycardia issues. Her resting heart rate is staying in the 130 range and it got up to 180 while she was at the gym with G. This has been going on all week and she can’t get in to see her doctor until September. I am extremely concerned as to what could possibly happen before then.
We could also use a school supply list from PPHS. I took a look at the website this morning to see if by any chance there was one there. There’s not. And their calendar is completely blank as well, which is not helpful. I assume we’ll get a list or something when Tipper goes for orientation next Wednesday, but my need to plan ahead for these things is not satisfied with that possibility.
The dogs are restless this morning. They’ve been out and done their morning thing, but they’re not settling back down as they normally do. I don’t believe this happens without a reason. Something’s going on that’s not allowing them their usual morning nap.
Neither do I believe in “swapping horses midstream.” Do you know the history behind that saying? It’s generally associated with Abraham Lincoln though it existed well before him. He used the reference in a speech in 1864 after the National Union League had congratulated him on securing the nomination for a second term as president. Lincoln said, “I do not allow myself to suppose that either the convention or the League have concluded to decide that I am either the greatest or best man in America, but rather they have concluded that it is not best to swap horses while crossing the river, and have further concluded that I am not so poor a horse that they might not make a botch of it in trying to swap.” His audience laughed.
Lincoln’s source was actually a joke about an Irishman, a Dutchman, or a German (depending on which part of the country you were in when it was told) crossing a stream on a mare, with a colt in tow. Falling off the mare, he grabbed the colt’s tail as it swam toward the bank. Onlookers yelled that he should take the mare’s tail instead as she was the stronger swimmer. But the man held fast to the colt, shouting in reply that this was not a good time for him to change horses.
Democrats used the phrase “Don’t swap horses midstream” during FDR’s re-election campaigns in 1940 and 1944. I am of the opinion that it’s time to roll the phrase out again. If we were going to “change horses” in this electoral race, the time to do so was before the primaries, while we were still, in essence, on the bank. If we were going to change candidates, it should have been done at a point in the process where people had an opportunity to vote on who the next candidate should be.
Now, after one admittedly questionable debate outing, all these big-mouthed influencers, from George Clooney to Jon Stewart are suggesting that the President step aside. Dear friends, we’re in the middle of the fucking river. This is not a good time to be changing horses. Sure, delegates can go to the convention and choose someone new, but to do so almost certainly guarantees losing the presidency, and most likely down-ballot races as well, to a group of Republicans committed to the downfall of this democracy. We cannot allow that to happen! The only way to defeat the evil represented by the GOP is with a united effort against them. Dividing the party, especially at this late date, ensures the downfall of the entire country. There is no do-over for this test. Either we win, or we say goodbye to every concept of Liberty we’ve ever had.
Yes, it really is that serious.
The dogs may need to go back out. Who knows. Mornings are always a bit unpredictable.