The saga of “what’s broken now” continues. Yesterday, the plumber finally arrived to fix the outside spigots. I had managed to stay awake all morning waiting for him. Fortunately, Kat was home by the time he finally gathered everything he needed and started working. He managed to finish shortly before the kids arrived home from school. This should stop the constant flow of water outside the house and lower our bill dramatically. The only real challenge is that I’ll have to actually watch and refill the water bowl the dogs use outside.
Today, the same plumber returns around 8:30 this morning to replace the water heater. Why? Because when he opened the closet where the water heater is, looking to turn off the water for the house, he noticed that there were multiple leaks. There wasn’t any question about it. Water was dripping everywhere. This repair is going to be more of a big deal. Chances are pretty high that he’ll have to take the water heaters in/out of the front door. You know, the one we never use because five litter boxes are sitting in front of it. I asked G to clean up around there last night, but I noticed this morning that there’s still a bit of work to be done before they get here. I’m typing as fast as I can.
Kat made a wonderful dinner last night! I have to take a moment and brag. She’s been making homemade chicken broth for the past couple of weeks so that she has soup to take to work with her. The side effect of that was that we had extra chicken breasts that needed to be cooked. The chicken, the wine-based sauce, over very nice rice, beat out any restaurant that I’ve been to. I’m not sure the kids appreciate how lucky they are that their mom is such a wonderful cook.
There’s a lot that kids don’t notice about their parents, though, such as how tired and rundown they get trying to take care of everyone. Everyone knows that being a parent has never been easy, but now it’s been codified. The US Surgeon General made it official that being a parent is bad for your health. Cue the childless cat ladies who are now grinning from ear to ear. This puts a spotlight on how parents are treated at work, the difficulty of getting time off to care for sick kids, the need for personal days away from the kids, and the overwhelming cost of childcare. The entire report is here if you’re interested in reading it.
Have you been following the whole kerfuffle over the Orange Felon’s campaign taking pictures at Arlington Cemetery on Monday? I’d been largely ignoring it because, at its core, it’s just another incident where the Felon is showing disrespect for the military. he’s good at that. The only reason he was even at the cemetery on Monday was trying to score political points over the way troops left Afghanistan. Now, it seems that cemetery officials had warned the campaign beforehand that they were not allowed to take pictures. That takes away the “we didn’t know” excuse. Don’t be surprised, though. This whole campaign is built on lies and deceit. Expect it, but don’t fall for it.
SpaceX had a boo-boo and now it’s grounded. Literally. the FAA grounded all Falcon 9 launches pending an explanation of why one of them fell over and burst into flames while landing. This immediately affects a number of planned launches, including that one where the billionaire is going to try walking in space. No one was hurt in the accident and peripheral damage was minimal. Still, after having completed several successful missions where the returning rocket didn’t fall over, having one do so raises some serious safety questions.
Journalism took a serious hit yesterday. A Hong Kong court on Thursday found two editors of the now-defunct Stand News media outlet guilty of conspiring to publish seditious articles in a case that has drawn international scrutiny amid a security crackdown in the China-ruled city. Stand News was once a beacon of what a Free Press could do. As China has increased its chokehold on Hong Kong, though, those freedoms have been severely stifled. Be sure that China wants this case to serve as a warning for anyone else who might want to challenge its dominance over the city.
China hasn’t exactly been playing nice for quite some time. Yesterday, a top Chinese military official told White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan that the US needs to stop “colluding” with Taiwan. China desperately wants to reunite Taiwan with the mainland. Taiwan, however, doesn’t want to go and the US has long held that China doesn’t have the right to take away their independence. I think it’s pretty certain that the US response to China will be a big “fuck you,” only in more diplomatic language.
Greedy investors caused AI stocks to stumble a bit yesterday after chip maker NVIDIA posted gains that dramatically beat forecasts, but not as much as investors had hoped. Mind you, the company reported a net income of $16.6 billion. Adjusted for one-time items, net income was $16.95 billion. Revenue rose to $30 billion, up 122% from a year ago and 15% from the previous quarter. The problem? “Well, it wasn’t as much above forecasts as other quarters have been.” Greedy much? Growth forecasts for the entire industry are still quite strong. There’s plenty of time here for investors to squeeze out insane profits and buy all their yachts before there’s even a hint of a downturn.
I wish I had something pithy and cute to end with this morning, but there’s nothing really that interesting in this morning’s headlines. The rain that seemed inevitable yesterday morning never developed, staying well to our North. Our next chance for moisture comes with the cool front moving through Friday night. We’ll see how that goes.
I have to get things moved around for the plumber now, so you take the day and run with it, okay? It’s all you. No pressure.
Morning Update: 08/30/24
Here we are at the beginning of Labor Day Weekend. Is anyone besides Kat still going to work today? I know this has long been one of those weekends where people often take off work on Friday to give themselves a four-day weekend, but with schools starting at the beginning of August now, and schools are definitely in session today, only those who are childless or have preschoolers will see any benefit from the extra day of vacation. Today is still hot, too. For the Midwest, rain is coming, and behind that dramatically cooler temps. Grilling out might be a comfortable option this weekend. The weekend’s football games should be fun as well.
Plumbers replaced the hot water heater yesterday. The company sent out a couple of twenty-something guys. They did a good job. I have no complaints there, but they definitely took their time doing it. I think they were hoping that by not finishing until 4:00 they might not be sent out on another call. The big test will come later this morning when I take a shower. Is the pressure high enough? What adjustments to the temperature have to be made at the faucet? There weren’t any leaks when they left, but several minutes of continued use will let us know for sure that the work is solid. I’ll definitely be glad to get back to a normal schedule around the house.
The few people who have been to our house in the past seven years know that we don’t use the front door. The reason we don’t use the front door is because five litter boxes are sitting in front of it. However, bringing a water heater in through the back wasn’t going to work. There’s not enough room. As a result, I had to move all the litter boxes and clean the floor around where they had been sitting so that we could use the front door.
The cats found the open front door curious. No one was surprised when Fat Guy, our eldest, tried slipping out. He’s always the one who wants to go explore. The one that caught us off guard was Gabby, a gray tabby about seven years old. She’s not been outside since she first came to us. Kat went out with her as she carefully, cautiously explored the yard. She was out for roughly twenty minutes and seemed to enjoy herself quite a bit. We’ll see if she continues to want to go out. Pinball was the only cat who had to be shut in a room by himself.
After all the adventure and commotion of this week, I’m hoping that we can play the weekend in chill fashion. I don’t think the kids will mind. They’re both pretty tired as it is. In fact, G thought he was lying down for a short nap and ended up sleeping all night. Tipper’s been on again/off again with her meds, so her sleep schedule is all messed up. I’m hoping that the weekend gives them both a chance to reset. I’m pretty sure I’ve been going on adrenaline all week. I’ve missed too many naps, stayed up late too many nights, and even missed some meals along the way. Getting back on a routine schedule is important. I might even sacrifice a football game for a good nap.
There’s really nothing in this morning’s news that warrants my comment. I didn’t watch last night’s interview with Kamala Harris. The reviews I’ve seen are mostly positive, so I’ll let that bit go for now. Israel and Hamas are on a three-day pause as the World Health Organization administers polio vaccines across Gaza. One case is all it took for medical officials to hit the panic button. The Orange Felon is still riling musicians around the world by using their music in his campaign. The fact that no one wants to be associated with him should be a clear signal as to how unfit he is. Most everything else is a continuation of existing stories.
No one is complaining that the world isn’t burning up as quickly as it normally does. A little bit of a cool-down is good for everyone. The biggest concern is probably whether local violence numbers will take a jump. Families getting together isn’t always a good thing, it seems. We hope that everyone leaves their weapons at home and focuses on having a good time.
Groceries are being delivered soon, so I’m gonna run. Have another cup of coffee. You deserve it.
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